Public Relations Services
Consulting and Planning
Not sure exactly what your company or organization needs to do to better communicate?
KGA can start with an analysis of your current communications and results achieved and provide recommendations for your next public relations campaign. Comprehensive public relations planning is also available.

Media Relations
Cultivation of strong relationships with the media can ensure better news coverage both online and in traditional publications. KGA can optimize those relationships and understands news deadlines and newsworthy angles for a story. Development of pitch letters/emails that engage reporters, editors, and bloggers and the knack of making news out of everyday occurrences are some of Kelly Griffin’s strengths. Compelling press releases and news and feature articles are a specialty. Call to find out what KGA can accomplish for your business.
Community Relations and Events
Planning of special events and outreach for targeted market segments and stakeholders. Whether it is an educational program, an event, an open house or a series of mailings to the community, KGA can fill the need. Reaching out to critical constituencies on a regular basis makes sense. Let KGA identify the target markets or audiences, find the venue for an event, create the promotional pieces and invitations. You need help!
Perception is reality. When you need to influence the public’s opinion, start by understanding their current perception and build your message from there.
Crisis Communication Management
Crisis communication must be clear, compelling and transparent. When you need to communicate with stakeholders, the public, and the media during a crisis, you need expert help.
KGA provides crisis communication consulting and message creation to convey in press releases, social media, media statements and radio and television interviews and facilitates the process. This process can be complex in any type of emergent situation – legal, financial, human resources including labor disputes, patient or even weather emergency. Let crisis communication professional Kelly Griffin help you put your best foot forward.
Carefully structured statements for distribution to the media, coaching of the appropriate spokesperson(s) prior to media contact and during interviews, are provided. Kelly Griffin will act as the organization’s spokesperson when needed.
Your emergency situations are kept completely confidential with KGA. Your issues are safe with us. Kelly Griffin also works collaboratively with your legal team in handling delicate communication issues.
Crisis communication plans are also developed by KGA. Kelly Griffin believes a concise plan is best and most likely to be consulted by your team during a crisis.
Kelly Griffin has completed National Incident Management System (NIMS) training and has led the communication efforts as Public Information Officer (PIO) during real-time emergencies of many kinds. She has also participated in many local and statewide drills in two states and with two healthcare systems.
Call for immediate assistance.
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